Mauricio H Torres's artistic production is a continuous process of investigation and discovery, an improvisation capable of adapting to different types of materials and formats, marked by oil colour backgrounds that tend to overlap, merge and recreate themselves. The psychological sphere is the one from which he draws his main inspiration, declining mainly around the theme of oneiric and mystery. The colour palette is rather dark and dense, in which, however, some luminous spaces are inserted, like momentary flashes of lightning on a dark micro-universe, in which fear and surrealism seem to have a decidedly important scope. It is also possible to catch glimpses of more or less defined figures, predominantly anthropomorphic in nature, also charged with enigmaticity and dismay, which do not lack traits of eroticism, depicted especially in female figures.
This mode of symbolic communication fits perfectly into a broader spiritual investigation, aimed at an observation and analysis of pain, emotions, love and good/evil dualism. The masterpiece ‘The Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Hieronymus Bosch is of great inspiration, in which, in a simpler but not necessarily less ambitious manner, Mauricio H Torres attempts to delve into the light and shadows of contemporary reality, increasingly mysterious and obscure, to bear witness to who we are and where we might be going.
